Asystent do spraw spedycji - staż
- pomoc przy wprowadzaniu zleceń transportowych do systemu oraz weryfikacja dokumentów transportowych,- wsparcie spedytorów w codziennych zadaniach;Wykształcenie średnie Wymagania inne:
- pomoc przy wprowadzaniu zleceń transportowych do systemu oraz weryfikacja dokumentów transportowych,- wsparcie spedytorów w codziennych zadaniach;Wykształcenie średnie Wymagania inne:
- Obsługa klienta;- Doradztwo;- Wykonywanie wizualizacji pomieszczenia;- Obsługa programu ewidencji sprzedażyWykształcenie zawodowe Wymagania inne:
Wykonywanie czynności administracyjno-biurowychWykształcenie średnie/wyższe ekonomiczne/administracyjne Wymagania inne:
Responsible for assisting with implementation and administration of recruitment programs Receive, screen, and file incoming resumes, background, and reference checks Conduct initial screening...
Responsible for assisting with implementation and administration of recruitment programs Receive, screen, and file incoming resumes, background, and reference checks Conduct initial screening...
Responsible for assisting with implementation and administration of recruitment programs Receive, screen, and file incoming resumes, background, and reference checks Conduct initial screening...
Responsible for assisting with implementation and administration of recruitment programs Receive, screen, and file incoming resumes, background, and reference checks Conduct initial screening...
Responsible for assisting with implementation and administration of recruitment programs Receive, screen, and file incoming resumes, background, and reference checks Conduct initial screening...
Responsible for assisting with implementation and administration of recruitment programs Receive, screen, and file incoming resumes, background, and reference checks Conduct initial screening...
Responsible for assisting with implementation and administration of recruitment programs Receive, screen, and file incoming resumes, background, and reference checks Conduct initial screening...